1. I had aged past American Girl dolls by the time they got popular but I know so many youngsters love them. I remember walking by the American Girl store in Manhattan and seeing the lines of girls and their parents waiting to get in for whatever event was planned. I’m glad you and Edith got to hang out together in American Girl doll world (also, she’s the second young Edith I’ve known – both live in Portland!).

  2. That is so fun! I had two American Girl dolls which I “earned” myself by doing little chores and a Bitty Baby before they were called that. I used to love flipping through the catalogs back when they sent them. They didn’t have the stores when I was little and of course not in Portland, and I have heard they are a bit over-the-top commercialized now… but I guess their adorable tiny sets of doll camping or party gear were always that way. But SO cute! So special that you got to take Edith!

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