Month: November 2012
Baby vs. Television

Since becoming a SAHM I find myself watching (way) more television than I ever have in my life. I’m talking like I can finish an entire season within two days while still watching other shows at night with Neil. This is a bad habit and not one that I want Edith to get used to. … [Read more…]
By The Glow of The Salt Lamp
I guess some people might say we are lucky because Edith has always been a good sleeper at night. Most nights she will start with a 3-5 hour (sometimes but rarely a 7-7.5 hour) stretch and then is up usually twice to nurse. Now don’t get me wrong we have had a few nights of … [Read more…]
Baby Gear 0-3 Months: Bath and Travel

If you didn’t catch the first edition you can pop over to this post where we featured Baby Gear 0-3 Months: Clothes, Sleeping, Nursery & Diapering. *can we just talk about how tiny E is in this photo? She is only 1 month old! Bath NEEDED: Towels, Wash Clothes & Body Wash-We purchased two JJ … [Read more…]