Month: June 2012
Buying For Baby On A Budget

As we’ve been preparing for our baby, I’ve come to realize that there are a lot more “want” items than NEED items. Babies do not need much, as one of Neil’s co-workers put it they need a place to sleep, clothes, diapers and a boob. Everything else is really just extra, but of course many … [Read more…]
Our Baby is Breech- Now What?

At our 31 week appointment it was confirmed that our baby was breech, we were told not to worry that there was still plenty of time for them to turn and given a sheet of different positions that I could try at home to encourage them to turn. Even though I was reassured that it … [Read more…]
Attachment Parenting
During our Natural Baby Care Class one of the big topics that came up was Attachment Parenting. Attachment Parenting is based on forming and nurturing strong connections between parents and their children. We discussed Attachment Parenting International‘s (API) Eight Principles of Parenting*: Prepare for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Examples: Work through negative emotions surrounding pregnancy. … [Read more…]
Pregnancy Ups and Downs

Pregnancy Ups Date night at home. Sunday night Neil and I enjoyed a date night at home. It was one of those date nights where it took us hours to prepare dinner and we spent time in the kitchen cooking together. Neil prepared a batch of bread and made homemade burger buns. He also prepped … [Read more…]
The Name Game

Neil and I started considering baby names around week 17 of our pregnancy. We sat down and both made our own list of about 10 boy names and 10 girl names (although I am pretty sure that my boy name list was like 15 and girl was around 6). Once we finished our individual lists … [Read more…]
Babywearing 101
One of the topics we discussed in our Natural Baby Care Class was the benefits of babywearing and the various babywearing options. There are so many great benefits to discuss as well as a variety of babywearing options out there, it can be really overwhelming to figure out which style is best for you. In … [Read more…]