I recently read an article about parents and spontaneous dates. Most parents have no idea what to do when they are given 90 minutes of child free time. So I thought I might come up with some ideas of my own and create a new bi-weekly series.
So here is the set up: a friend or family member stops over and offers to watch your little one for 90 minutes- now what do you do?
00:00 Head out the door and drive (or walk) to your favorite coffee shop.
00:20 Order your favorite coffee drink and maybe a treat or two to share.
00:25 Sit, chat and enjoy each others company. Coffee shop dates sans child can be a rare occurrence so enjoy your alone time. Slowly sip and savour your beverage. Maybe your coffee shop has live music or games for you to enjoy and pass the time.
01:10 Make your way home.
01:30 Home! Kiss your little one, thank your family/friend and look forward to the next opportunity to spend 90 minutes together.