Friday started out a little chaotic as we ran to get ourselves together and out the door. The first stop was to drop Neil off at work and then the kids and I were off to the park. We were supposed to have a playdate but because I had to drop Neil off at work and then we had a doctors appointment later in the morning we decided to try again next week. We headed to a park near our old house (and hopefully one day where we return to) because I wanted to check out the new children’s play area. It was a bit of a gloomy morning but I love seeing signs of Spring everywhere! Being from Vermont Spring doesn’t really start until May whereas here it starts in late February/March. Anyways off the the park we went.
Edith spent a good hour playing in the sand and exploring the new park. Alder napped for awhile and then was bright eyed and smiling. We had a quick nursing break before packing Edith up and heading to our favorite coffee shop to warm up. Edith enjoyed a “coffee” (steam soy milk) and I had an americano. We both had a late snack of a bagel and Alder munched on styrofoam er…teething biscuits.
We had a few minutes before heading to the doctors so we popped in the children’s thrift store next door where I found a few new things for Alder and a few books for Edith (I’ll share them in a future post). After a toddler melt down, when I said we had to leave (I can’t blame her she was having fun with all the toys) we were finally on our way to the doctor for Alder to get a shot.
Shot done. Time for more coffee #oneofthosedays and off to drop a coffee off to Neil and to go for a lunch time walk. We walked the loop at Neil’s work and finally signed me up for the gym. Then it was time to head home for naps and lounge time after a busy morning.
Neil got a ride home from work and since it was date night we decided to head to the grocery store to pick up some day night provisions. We also picked up a noodle bowl for Edith since it would be way past her dinner time by the time we got home and made her something.
This isn’t our normal day at home but about once per month this is how our day seems to go. What does a day in your life look like?
I always love Edith’s free spirited hairstyle! 😀
Haha she actually was wearing a shirt that says “Crazy Hair Don’t Care” under her coat – fitting haha.
It sounds like you had a fantastic day. Playground – outdoor time – coffee – visit to doctor and even grocery shopping. Nice. ~ Bea @ The Not So Cheesy Kitchen
It really was a great day- looking forward to more days like this!
That sand feature at the park looks like a ton of fun!
Our day is usually a long stroller walk with the dog in the morning and an adventure of some kind—like a hike or running an errand—in the afternoon. A little predictability helps both me and Peeper, and the consistent exercise makes me feel soooo much better!
I hate that we moved to the burbs because with one car it’s harder to get out further than we can walk. Looking forward to moving back to SE in 2016.
It looks like you had a really nice Friday. A normal day around here consists of breakfast, play time, laundry (there is always laundry to be done), lunch time, nap time (work time for mom), and then park time as the weather gets nicer. The kids and I are really excited to get outside more in the coming months. 🙂
Busy day! Lots of shuttling around! Didn’t realize you were in the Beaverton area, we live right by Nike and we love it here–miles of parks and trails to explore to the north and south!
We just moved from Sellwood to this area in mid-August for a few years while the kids are still tiny to be closer to Neil’s job since Sellwood isn’t ideal for public transit. We plan on moving back to Sellwood or somewhere in SE in Fall 2016.