Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Beyond
Staying Fit While Pregnant

Tips for staying fit and eating healthy during your pregnancy: Take it outside. Make time in your schedule to get outside and workout wherever possible! One of the easiest things you can do is get outside and go for a walk. This is a great time to take in some fresh air, a little Vitamin … [Read more…]
How We Chose A Crib

When it came down to choosing a crib for our nursery we took advantage of the numerous other bloggers who had already done the research into finding a safe crib for themselves. One of the best resources we found was over on Young House Love where Sherry and John had already done pretty extensive research … [Read more…]
Nursery Tour: Put A Bird On It

Finally we are posting our big nursery reveal! I really wish that we had better natural light in the nursery but alas we don’t. Our theme for the nursery is Put A Bird on It and for those of you who don’t know the reference you can go here. Please enjoy the tour! … [Read more…]
Pregnancy Ups and Downs

Pregnancy Ups WAHM/SAHM. I am officially a work-at-home/stay-at-home mom as of last Thursday. I will discuss this decision in more detail in a separate post but let me tell you it’s a huge up! Movie Date. We were able to cross one more thing off of our “10 things to do before labor list” – … [Read more…]
Buying For Baby On A Budget

As we’ve been preparing for our baby, I’ve come to realize that there are a lot more “want” items than NEED items. Babies do not need much, as one of Neil’s co-workers put it they need a place to sleep, clothes, diapers and a boob. Everything else is really just extra, but of course many … [Read more…]
Our Baby is Breech- Now What?

At our 31 week appointment it was confirmed that our baby was breech, we were told not to worry that there was still plenty of time for them to turn and given a sheet of different positions that I could try at home to encourage them to turn. Even though I was reassured that it … [Read more…]
Attachment Parenting
During our Natural Baby Care Class one of the big topics that came up was Attachment Parenting. Attachment Parenting is based on forming and nurturing strong connections between parents and their children. We discussed Attachment Parenting International‘s (API) Eight Principles of Parenting*: Prepare for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Examples: Work through negative emotions surrounding pregnancy. … [Read more…]